Monday, January 5, 2009

Manny being Manny

Hey sports fans, welcome to 2009. Jax here, in the garage as usual ...

It's old news that the Giants signed the Big Unit Randy Johnson, for a cool $8 million for one year. The pitching rotation is sewn up, and it frees the Giants to deal Jonathan Sanchez. Nice.

Now I read Giants GM Brian Sabean is pursuing Manny Ramirez, and now I would like to parrot everything that Ann Killion says in her Jan. 4 column in the Mercury News. Photo credit: AP.

Sure he would be expensive and a big clubhouse presence (sound familiar?) but what a bat. Yeah, he's not a team player and left Boston on the worst possible terms, limping like a listless imbecile because he didn't feel like playing, but what a bat. Yeah, he has held up a game during a pitching change in Boston because he was taking a leak in the Green Monster scoreboard, but what a bat. Yeah, he doesn't exactly fit in the Giants youth movement, but what a ... did I mention he strikes fear in every pitcher in the majors?

Plus you're taking tons of hits from the Dodgers. Plus the Giants outfield isn't the greatest anyway (Rowand, Winn, and a back-from-bunion-foot-surgery Freddy Lewis)? The Giants were the only team in major league baseball to hit fewer than 100 home runs last season.

I say sign Manny if you can and get this train rollin'. (Note to Giants ownership: He also puts butts in seats at AT&T Park, like you didn't know that). I'm ready for the drama. Bring it.



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