Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ordinary people

I'm sidelined again, with this stupid Jungle Paw.

I was running around in the rain a lot last week and it just got red and chapped between the pads of my paws. It seems to be getting better though, Stephen and Brooke have been drying them off all the time and putting this dang spray and lotion on it. I think they're drying out, and the weather is drying out, so I should be good. I really like to lick my paws a lot, since it's all I can do, but maybe that's actually making them more raw. Hmmm. I'll have to think about that. Maybe I'm doing the wrong thing here. Hmmm. Naah. Hold on, let me lick my raw paws some more ...

I just really need my paws for everything: Walking, running, typing, pulling the slot machine, dealing hands of poker to my friend Healey, mixing drinks, turning on the hot tub ...

Anyway, in my downtime I've been reading Giants players' blogs. Catcher Bengie Molina has one, you already know, called Behind the Mask.

Now outfielder Fred Lewis has one too on the Comcast site, called FdotLew.

Lewis' posts, like Bengie's, make him out to be a regular guy, which I appreciate. Fred talks about getting a 1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass recently that he wants to restore. He talks about visiting a children's hospital in L.A. on a off day (Rookie charity stuff is common, but still).

Bengie, who is in a contract year, talks about writing "All Out Everyday" under the bill of his ballcap, and he looks at it before every game. Bengie photo by Everybody (SF Chronicle's Bruce Jenkins, SJ Mercury News' Tim Kawakami) is saying Bengie's contract should be renewed, and I have to agree. He gets clutch hits all the time.

Bengie's not the lightest guy out there (about a deuce, deuce and a half), and when he rounded second base for a triple the other day announcer Mike Krukow said he looked like a "runaway beer truck."

That's about right. But we love beer.

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