Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dirty little secrets

Oh, man.

I know spring training is in full effect, the Giants are hitting home runs left and right, but I'm kind of feeling like an overwhelmed Obama at the moment. (He smokes Marlboro reds, in case you were wondering -ABC News)

I've been busy. We've gone on some walks in the woods. I eat some bones in the living room. I play with the Viszla (SP?) Healey from a few doors down. He comes over and wags his tail at me. But I'm lazy getting out of my bed in the morning. Now I have an old yellow sleeping bag to sleep on.

Things are OK. I can't wait for the NCAA brackets to come out on Sunday! I've been impressed with Pittsburgh, UCONN, Louisville. We'll see. I cannot root for Chapel Hill though because I hate Tyler Hansbrough.

Here's another picture of a bad habit, Obama! (Top photo credit, bottom photo

P.S. recently predicted that 84 percent of people think Obama will not start smoking in public. 16 percent said he will!

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